While there have been many confusing messages in the market about the future of GP, we have a definitive update from Microsoft. The lifecycle website has been updated! A summary of the update is that all versions of GP 2018 and older are listed with their support end dates as has always been the case in the past. The important change is that Dynamics GP, the modern version with annual October releases, has a timeline listed thru 2028 and beyond!
What does this announcement mean if you are currently using GP? The most important thing is that you can continue to use GP and receive updates and enhancements for the foreseeable future. You can continue to utilize and maximize your investment in GP and benefit from software and features your business has come to rely on. It also means that you will be able to apply annual updates to stay current and minimize the need for major upgrade projects.
At Dynamic Consulting, we feel this is very important information that all GP users should know. While there have been others pushing GP users to move to other solutions, we are strongly against pushing. We are here to support GP and like Microsoft have no plans to stop!
Our philosophy at Dynamic Consulting is quite simple, we are a partner and an extension of your team. We want to educate first on the details and options available and allow each company to make an educated decision on what path is best for their unique situation. If you are happy with GP and would like support, we can help. If you are looking to enhance the usage of GP thru training, reporting, ISVs, hosting or more, we can help. If you are interested in moving to the cloud with Business Central or Finance and Operations, we can help.
We are happy to share this information to everyone. If you have questions on what this information means to you, please contact me to setup a time to meet and discuss GP support and how Dynamic Consulting can help you.